Advanced Facilities Services​, Inc.
The Benchmark of Facilities Excellence!
Advanced Facilities Services​, Inc.
The Benchmark of Facilities Excellence!

In​ business independently since 2012, AFS brings a wealth of experience, capability, dedication and flexibility.
Our team members and leaders are tested industry professionals who have designed, implemented and operated scores of solid,
sustainable and successful facilities management programs at education facilities across the country.
In​ business independently since 2012, AFS brings a wealth of experience, capability, dedication and flexibility.
Our team members and leaders are tested industry professionals who have designed, implemented and operated scores of solid,
sustainable and successful facilities management programs at education facilities across the country.
Our clients benefit from leadership with over 100 combined years of experience in direct support of education facilities clients and teams.

You require that facilities matters be handled economically and effectively. We bring both broad capability and a unique approach.

Dedication to Service First
Dedication to Service First
We are not trying to impress Wall Street.
We are only trying to impress you...
with service designed for your unique needs.

Things change quickly. You require flexibility.
We have been providing for the changing needs of education clients since 2012.