Advanced Facilities Services​, Inc.
The Benchmark of Facilities Excellence!
Advanced Facilities Services​, Inc.
The Benchmark of Facilities Excellence!

Quality Assurance Through Technology
Advanced Maintenance Connection
Advanced Maintenance Connection, our computerized maintenance management system, equips our team with tools to manage all aspects of your facilities and assures consistent application of quality standards.
The system can be accessed from a smart phone, allowing technicians to view and create work orders in the field, and look up detailed information about equipment. Each week, work orders are generated and assigned to appropriately trained staff. As work orders are completed, equipment records are updated.
Often referred to by a generic acronym - CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) - this automated web-based tool allows our teams and clients to enter, view and see progress and trending on virtually everything we do:
- Work orders generated by individuals or the system
- Electronic inventory of all electro-mechanical equipment
- Formal and informal rounds and inspections
- Preventive/scheduled maintenance
- Corrective/unscheduled maintenance
- Casualty prevention actions and completion
- Progress on projects and projected completion
- 24/7 access for up-to-the-minute information about every piece of equipment
Facilities management, campus administration and AFS leadership can track department and individual performance, and call for reports in various spreadsheet or graphics formats.
- Work order completion percentage
- Outstanding work orders
- 100% casualty prevention completion
- Trend reporting on any item or process
- Transparency tailored to various organizational levels
- Monthly predictive maintenance report
- Expenditures vs. budget
- Expenses by individual equipment item or component
- Productivity by group or employee
Web-Based Quality Assurance
Quality assurance involves more than just adherence to standardized processes and procedures. It is a commitment to provide you the level of service you desire. Quality measurement, reporting and trending are all critical in moving toward set benchmarks. Web-based connectivity provides access to this information at anytime from anywhere.
At the outset of service, we benchmark your quality against objective standards and establish what, when, and how you will measure success. We define the standards against which the quality of our service will be measured. We also have the ability to aggregate real-time data from all of our clients and cross-reference with relevant facility and industry statistics. We have the added ability to learn and grow by benchmarking your information against other operations.
AFS Quality Software
AFS quality software provides all the tools needed to monitor and track quality on your campus by measuring against expected standards. Managers can enter, monitor, track, analyze and report on data that offers real-time validation of our performance, and immediate identification of needed changes. Specific action can then be directed toward making any necessary adjustments.
Multi-Level Quality Assurance
A key benefit of working with AFS is the routine sampling of your quality at multiple levels within your organization and ours. In addition, the centralization of data online allows immediate regional and corporate review of your information. Using these methods, AFS can quickly verify that quality standards are consistent, or readily identify trouble spots and intervene to correct them.